Celebrate Community


At the river or beach, at an open air craft market, ethnic festival or food and wine weekend, banners immediately set the scene  for fun and festivity.
Vibrant pole banners enliven and define outdoor event venues, and an enthusiastic and efficient Events Promotions Officer will have no trouble filling an Annual Calendar.
Here are a few ‘starters’ –
* public holidays – Christmas and Easter
* patriotism – Australia Day, Anzac day
* multi-cultural – Chinese New Year, ethnic national celebration days          
* the seasons – local Spring Flower Show, Summer water safety
* fund raisers for medical research – Pink Ribbon Day, Mo-vember


Councils use Bannerconda banners to draw attention to the facilities they provide : swimming pools, tennis courts, picnic grounds, botanical  gardens, hiking trails, cycle tracks and exercise circuits, libraries, art galleries and museums.
Government health awareness campaigns regularly use banners to promote fun runs, bike races, swim-a-thons, Pets in the Park days, Walk to School Week, and numerous other inclusive activities.


Vancouver City Council, host city for the 2010 Winter Olympics believes that “the most effective method of welcoming visitors, creating a celebratory atmosphere and assisting in way-finding is through the use of street banners.”
Vancouver’s banner designs were chosen for their “beauty, creativity and reflection of the life and culture of the people”, so that they would “promote the City and encourage visitors to return.”
Australia’s Councils use street pole banners to direct citizens and tourists to local facilities and sites of natural beauty or heritage interest, thus contributing to the economic prosperity of their region.


Bannerconda is popular in suburban municipalities and country shires, being located at town ‘gateways’, in main streets, grouped in ‘pods’ at bridges and roundabouts, and positioned to warn motorists of 40kph school zones.
Commercial clients choose the Bannerconda range to advertise their presence at sports stadia, airports, railways, shopping malls, car parks, and convention centres, business estates, horse and car race tracks, theme parks and resorts.

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